Things happen..
The Topman vest cost me $89. All because I couldn't use the discount voucher! Said vest isn't a sale item, so they said. I have this urge to roll my face in sandpaper.
Still, being the sucker-for-clothes-even-when-there's-no-discount, I bought it and proudly paraded in the streets of Orchard in it, complete with black skinnys, another Topman shirt, and my black Zinc bag. And as I didn't really feel that it was perfect, I decided to have a haircut over at the salon where I always patronize.
$18, but it was quite worth it. Actually the extra $8 was there because I chose to wash my hair. Like, water and shampoo cost that fucking much.
The second aunt and her daughter came for a visit. I haven't really seen them for years, considering the fact that Singapore and San Franscisco are miles and miles and miles apart, although I would have lived in the latter. No, I'm not going to start another furious diatribe about the horrendous lack of reasons why I didn't choose the former.
Tim Tams are awesome, I can't believe I only bought them now. Chocolate biscuits covered in chocolate oozing with chocolatey goodness and indulgence. And I didn't really like chocolate because the sweetness fills me up with guilty pleasure. But, but, but, I somehow can't resist the temptation of Tim Tams.
Someone's big day is coming, wait for it!
And we used to spend the day playing hop-scotch, hide-and-seek, catching... Those days of innocent fun and worry-free happiness.
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